Savana Signatures


Is Savana Signatures Truly One Of Ghana’s Most Impactful NGOs?

As it happens, it is precisely for that reason that some of us pray, daily, that they successfully spread their good-works-footprint, nationwide. The less privileged, amongst our younger generations, need such social impact NGOs. Savana Signatures’ youth empowerment programmes, are really incredibly useful, especially for aspirational rural youth, in Ghana’s base of-the-pyramid demographic, seeking to bootstrap their way out of the poverty trap. Cool

Is Savana Signatures Truly One Of Ghana’s Most Impactful NGOs? Read More »


Maternal mortality rates in Ghana has had a decline from 760 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 319 per 100,000 live births in 2015, Although the country has made significant reduction over the years, it still could not meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) of maternal mortality rate of 190 birth per 100,000 live birth, according to World Bank (Maternal Mortality Data, 2015)

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