Savana Signatures

GoodLife Health Fairs

The GoodLife Health Fairs are community-based events designed to promote health and wellness, increase personal efficacy to carry out recommended health behaviours for improved health, increase access to healthcare services, and empower individuals and families to access basic essential health services, and connect with local health providers through practical demonstration of how to use healthcare commodities and access services. As such, the health fair is themed; “Promoting Good Health through Positive Health Behaviorsto cut across multiple technical areas through mobilizing and engaging community-based health and planning (CHPS) zones and communities on rotational basis at the sub district levels across the Northern, Upper West, Upper East and North East regions of Ghana.

The objective is to promote uptake of healthy behaviours, services and products for measurable behaviour change across multiple technical areas in rural communities. These are Nutrition; Malaria; Reproductive Health; WASH; Family Planning; Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Emerging Infectious Diseases.

The Health Fairs are being conducted jointly with the Health Promtion Division of the Ghana Health Service and other USAID ASBC Activity consortium partners.

Sub national structures are being coordinated through a common coordinating platform including representatives from RHMTs, DHMTs, MMDAs, SDHMTs, SHEP and CHMCs. These steering committees at the district levels are overseeing the preparatory activities related to logistics, resource persons and coordinate across partners and community level functionaries and structures for the health fairs, with consortium partners supporting through district level officers.

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