Savana Signatures

The GoodLife Health Fairs are community-based events designed to promote health and wellness, increase personal efficacy to carry out recommended health behaviours for improved health, increase access to healthcare services, and empower individuals and families to access basic essential health services, and connect with local health providers through practical demonstration of how to use healthcare commodities and access services. As such, the health fair is themed; “Promoting Good Health through Positive Health Behaviorsto cut across multiple technical areas through mobilizing and engaging community-based health and planning (CHPS) zones and communities on rotational basis at the sub district level in the four northern regions, Northern, Upper West, Upper East and North East region.

Health Fair Services

During the fairs, a variety of services and activities will be offered to promote health services, commodities and encourage healthy behaviours and practices. These are Exhibitions, Health Educations, Blood Donation, Health Screenings for multiple ailments, Vaccinations, Counseling, Cooking and Food Demonstrations, Family Planning Promotion, Demonstration and Promotion of WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) Commodities, Proper Use and Maintenance of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets, Treatment for Minor Ailments,Informative Video Shows.

Health Areas

The GoodLife Health Fairs focus on the seven technical health areas of the USAID Accelerating Social and Behavior Change (ASBC) Activity; Nutrition, MNCH, Family Planning, Reproductive Health, WASH, Nutrition and Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Exhibitors at the GoodLife Health Fairs are drawn from various health service providers and promoters from both the health sector and civil society organisations.

The GoodLife Health Fairs are being organized across various subdistricts in the Sagnarigu Municipality in Northern Region and Mamprugu Moagduri in the North East Region. Check the dates for each subdistrict to find the fair near you.

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